Awakened Beats:
Music For Your Core

At the heart of Awakened Beats lies a vibrant fusion of creativity and innovation, spanning all music genres, with a deep-seated mission to heal and inspire through music. We release songs that are designed to awaken your mind, allowing you to connect with your core. We also create the calming waves of relaxation music and the subtle fusion of lo-fi music. Each track and song that we create is more than just a melody; it’s a beacon of hope, a whisper of comfort in times of silence, and a powerful expression of compassion and understanding. Born from a desire to touch lives across diverse auditory experiences, our music is a journey to the essence of who you are. Find Your Beat, Find Yourself—with us, music is more than sound; it's a pathway to connecting with your true self. 🎶

Find Your Beat, Find Yourself
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New Release Alert: 'Monkey Got The Wheel' EP Coming May 24th!

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Experience the 'Monkey Got The Wheel' EP—seven tracks where each one revisits a familiar lyrical tale with a fresh musical twist, transforming you so deeply that you'll never want to go back to your old habitual self. 

Get Ready to Experience 'Monkey Got The Wheel' —
Pre-Order Now!

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Music That Speaks to the Soul

In a world echoing with noise yet silent in understanding, Awakened Beats aims to bridge the gap. Our music—rooted in the rich soils of diverse genres—speaks directly to the core of human emotions. With every note, we strive to convey messages that uplift, inspire, and, most importantly, resonate. Music for Your Core encapsulates our ethos; through the universal language of music, we seek to connect, sharing stories that illuminate the shared paths of our journeys.

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A Mission Beyond Melody

Behind Awakened Beats is a vision far greater than the sum of its chords. Faced with the undeniable presence of pain and struggle in the world, we have set out on a mission to alleviate it, one song at a time. Through meaningful lyrics and heartfelt compositions, we endeavor to offer solace, stir the spirit, and spark a light in the darkest of times. This project is our pledge to the world—a commitment to contribute positively, foster healing, and encourage self-discovery and growth.

Experience Musical
Awakening Here

Experience the Soulful Harmony of Awakened Beats

Our latest single, "Feel the Love," invites you on a journey of heartfelt connections and self-discovery. Dive into the full experience. Our hope is for you to rediscover the love that's always been within you—to feel its warmth, acceptance, and the comforting embrace of self-love through your body, mind, and soul. Amidst the hustle of daily life and the weight of responsibilities, it’s easy to lose touch with this vital part of ourselves. Let this song be a bridge back to that essential love.


Introducing "Feel The Love" - A Musical Embrace for Healing 🌟

Apple Music

"Feel The Love" - Live on Apple Music Now🌟


 'Feel The Love' Full Video by Awakened Beats 

The official video for 'Feel The Love' is out now, featuring karaoke-style captions so you can sing along and connect with every lyric 🎤.

Dive into the essence of 'Feel the Love,' a musical journey crafted to touch the deepest corners of your heart. This video isn't just a song; it's an invitation to rediscover the warmth, acceptance, and self-love that resides within us all. Amidst the hustle and challenges of daily life, 'Feel the Love' serves as a gentle reminder to reconnect with the love that's always been there, waiting to be felt and shared.

In every note, let the melody guide you back to a place of inner peace and harmony, where the noise of the world fades away, leaving only the pure, comforting embrace of love.

Watch, let the music resonate, and remember to embrace the love within you and around you.

Relax & Unwind 24/7 With Us Serene Live Music

Dive into our 24/7 live stream of relaxation and meditation music, designed to transport you to a state of profound peace and inner calm. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day, find concentration for your work, or simply enjoy a moment of tranquility, our carefully curated melodies are here to accompany you. You can have this as your background tune to enhance any moment of your day.

24/7 Lo-Fi : Study, Work & Relax Live

Immerse yourself in our Endless Lo-Fi Serenity, streaming live 24/7 to bring you the ultimate chill-out experience. Let the soothing Lo-Fi beats elevate your study sessions, enhance your work focus, or simply help you relax and find peace any time of the day or night. Our carefully curated music and synchronized visuals offer a tranquil backdrop for all your moments—whether you're looking to boost productivity or unwind.


Frequently asked questions

We have put together some commonly asked questions for you.

What is Awakened Beats?

Awakened Beats is a music project that blends the heart of pop with the soul of hip-hop, creating sounds that resonate deeply with listeners. Our mission is to offer music that not only entertains but also heals and inspires, helping listeners find themselves through the power of music.

What inspires the music of Awakened Beats?

Our music is inspired by life’s journey, with all its ups and downs. We are motivated by a strong desire to make a positive impact in the world, addressing the pain and struggles we all face through meaningful lyrics and heartfelt melodies. Every song is a step towards self-discovery, healing, and bringing a bit of light into the darkness.

How can I support Awakened Beats?

Your support means everything to us and there are several ways you can help Awakened Beats grow and continue to make an impact. Listening to and sharing our music with friends and family is a great start. Following us on social media, subscribing to our YouTube channel, and engaging with our content helps increase our reach. For those who wish to contribute more directly, consider purchasing our music or merchandise if available. Every bit of support helps us to continue creating music that heals, inspires, and brings people together.

How does Awakened Beats contribute to making the world a better place?

We believe in the transformative power of music. Beyond creating tunes that resonate with the heart and soul, we're committed to using our platform to spread positivity, understanding, and compassion. Through our lyrics and melodies, we aim to address and alleviate the emotional and mental struggles that many face. Every stream, download, and share not only supports our music but also amplifies our collective effort to heal the world through the universal language of music.

Where can I listen to Awakened Beats music?

Our music is available on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, and more.

Can I connect with Awakened Beats on social media?

Absolutely! We believe in building a strong community, and you can connect with us on various social media platforms. Our website includes social media integration, making it easy for you to engage with us and stay updated on all our latest news and releases.

Join Our Symphony of Change

Awakened Beats is more than a musical project; it's a movement towards a world where empathy thrives and music heals. We invite you to Find Your Beat, Find Yourself as part of this extraordinary journey. Together, let's create a symphony of change, harmony, and healing. Your support is not just for our music but for a vision of a world touched by the transformative power of sound.

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of the Awakened Beats family.

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